
I took a year off after taking ten years to write and publish Treason. In this past year, I have moved to a new home where I pray, I can stay for the rest of my life! Ha! I have said that before. I really mean it this time.

The new book takes place in the Book of Revelation. Back in 2009 I thought I would write this book but instead I wrote Treason which has prepared me like I never imagined. I have two chapters written and my heart is captured! It takes courage to write this book! I have so many doubts about my ability (thankfully, God is faithful!), and I wonder how much time this one will take!?!? Seriously, with Treason, I worked day and night—literally—studying, praying, writing, and so desperately wanting the book to finish! I honestly don’t want to take that long to finish a book ever again. Of course, those who have read Treason, totally get it. That book is a raging fire that burns biblical revelation and big-picture prophecy into the mind and heart of the reader. It is a masterpiece, crafted in the furnace that is life, and under the strong leading of Holy Spirit. I read it today and marvel.  

So, I am doing something today that I should have done ten years ago. I am dedicating myself to writing a weekly blog. If I ever hope to attract a publisher, I need a successful blog (so I have been told). This post is my maiden voyage into new territory. My goal is to post tidbits from my life, and the new book. I will post these on Mondays so please stop by once a week and let me know what you think. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I really mean it, please give me feedback. Let me know you are out there. 😊