Why do I write? As a small child I would lay awake at night asking God the why questions and try to figure out the beginning to the end! It just made my brain hurt. I started reading and studying the Bible in earnest when I was 18 and have never stopped. In those early days I lost my old friends, and my family worried about me because I had undergone such a radical transformation when I fell in love with Jesus. Life goes on and I am happy to report that my family is ok with me now—I think. When my grown children began asking deep theological and apocalyptic questions of me, I started writing. My books are written to them in a style they can enjoy and understand. Albert Einstein said “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” I agree with that.
I have always maintained that God gave us our brains and we have a profound capacity to understand deep truths and grow in increasing knowledge. God did this on purpose so we can progressively appreciate His vast majesty which is incomprehensible. Even so, we will learn for a lifetime and then learn for an eternity and still never come to the end of discovering the vastness of God. We will be closer, but we will never arrive. This in turn inspires us toward profound respect of our incredible God. What a journey!
When I write, God breathes on me in a special way. I love it. I am addicted. I get so excited about our time together that I find myself getting up earlier and earlier to get a few more minutes with Him before my day job starts pressing in upon me. I started writing in 2007 when I wrote Epic Earth and I know for sure that I accidentally stepped into my calling. I pray I can write all the days of my life.